The Newsletter of Camp Denali
With the past year's change in political winds, the tide has turned on many long-standing conservation challenges in Alaska. From Izembek National Wildlife Refuge in southwest Alaska to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the far north, movement is afoot to reverse fundamental protections to Alaska lands, wildlife and waters.
Two particular concerns with this sea-change are the lack of transparent, public process and disregard for the sound science and legal decisions that grounded prior management. For example:
Current political agendas should not be what jeopardizes these areas' ecological integrity. Stay informed and lend your support for Alaska’s wildlife and wilderness heritage:
Audubon Alaska: for news about National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, and offshore Arctic waters
Trustees for Alaska: for the latest on the Pebble Mine and the protection of Bristol Bay watersheds
Earthjustice: for further legal angles on many of Alaska’s pressing conservation issues