
Throughout the summer, we’ll feature new recipes on our website, slowly adding to our online archive. We hope you enjoy our new cache of recipes!


14 cups

  • 1 tablespoons cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoons vanilla
  • ¾ cup maple syrup
  • ¾ cup honey
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1½ cups canola oil
  • 3 quarts rolled oats
  • 1 quarts walnut
  • ½ quart pecans
  • ½ quart almond slivers
  • ¾ quart coconut chips

1. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Mix sugar, liquid ingredients and spice together on stovetop. Add 4/5 of the mixture to the oats and massage together.

3. Spread thin on a greased sheet pan, and bake until desired darkness, stirring every 5 minutes.

4. Add 1/5 of wet mixture to nuts and coconut chips. Toast separately at 350 degrees until desired darkness.

5. Mix all ingredients together and cool completely.

6. Store in an airtight container. 

Filed In: Breakfast

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