Throughout the summer, we’ll feature new recipes on our website, slowly adding to our online archive. We hope you enjoy our new cache of recipes!
August is berry season in Alaska. What could be better than blueberries fresh from the bush making their way into a delicious breakfast treat? This is one of the best recipes we've found, from Tartine Bakery in San Francisco.
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2) Combine dry ingredients.
3) Cut cold butter into dry ingredients.
4) If using dried fruit, mix in at this point.
5) In a separate bowl, combine dairy and egg.
6) Fold berries and dairy mixture into flour gradually, being careful not to overmix. Amount of dairy mixture added will depend on humidity, use of whole grain flour, etc.
7) Shape dough into a ball. Dust a work surface generously with flour. Give the dough ball 2-3 rolls and folds, working gently.
8) Roll dough to 1 to 1 1/2 inch thickness and cut into desired shapes.
9) Dough can either be rested and refrigerated for 30-60 minutes at this point or frozen for later baking.
10) Sprinkle with optional coarse raw sugar. Bake for 12-15 minutes if refrigerated, 20-30 minutes if frozen, until tops of scones are golden brown.
Filed In: Breakfast
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